Perth Royal Agricultural Show

When I was a kid, I loved going to the Royal Show because it meant showbags , games, goodies galore, prizes, and of course, tummy churning death defying rides. As I grew up, I went less and less to the show, partially because the price jumped something crazy ($12 for a ride?!) and partially because the novelty of showbags, wore off, I no longer wanted the plush toys, and the weaker tummy set in.

The last time I went to the show was about 5 years ago.

This year, something inside me felt the urge to go. While half of it was simply to do with the fact that I had a R&R break and was in need of relax time, and the other half was fueled by my growing love of knitting and all things woolly.

So off we (my pal and I) trotted..there was food galore...

And games...

And shows...

And sheep galore..

But despite all the wonderful "agricultural" things they had, there was no wool to be found. Only remnants to touch and feel, nothing spun (except for two drabs of 4 ply i spotted in the pavillion), and nothing yarn-ie.

Nonetheless, it was a bit of fun, and perhaps next year they might feel the need to sell some yarn at the show? *pretty please*



8:13 PM, October 01, 2008

Hi Kae!
I havent been to the show for 5/6 years either. I was thinking of going this year but couldnt really think of any good reasons to go, apart for just 'for old times sake'.
Sounds like I would have been disappointed.

Your recent projects are beautiful! I envy your and Robyn's dedicate to the knitting.


10:10 AM, October 02, 2008

It seems it has much fun to join the show and u enjoy it .


5:36 PM, October 02, 2008

I took the liberty to award you a prize - go and grab it :-)