At the start of the year, I resolved to learn to knit on those scary looking double pointed needles... Since then , I had attempted to knit with them a few times and failed miserably. I didnt realise that you always alternated your working needle - instead i was knitting with one needle, and then thought that I had to divide the number of stitched up every single round.
I can hear you going "what was she thinking?" but the truth is - i didnt know any better!! :D So, tasked with what I thought was impossible and much too time consuming, I decided to bin it.
But alas, my secret pal came to the rescue with a lovely little sock knitting kit!! I started off with the mini traditional socks and learnt that no, you do not keep one working needle! and no, you dont divide up every single round! Enthused by my progress on the mini traditional socks, I ventured into knitting a "real" sock and here's my progress!!
For those that want to knit basic socks and need some instruction, i highly recommend Silver's Sock Class which provides fantastic photos and step by step instructions (at EVERY step). I know the above has a few issues (ie. uneven ribbing) but i'm proud to say that i can knit on dpns now! :) Thank you Secret Pal for helping me to achieve my new years' resolution!
On another project, this is my progress on Stefanie Japel's Leaf Cardi. :It's not much at the moment, but well.. I love to take photos to have a record of how i'm going, and I love blogs with lots photos.
Interesting thing to note - see that little white string I've used as a "stitchmarker?". Well, in kalgoorlie, I was left to my own devices and scrummaged a bit to find something suitable as I didnt have my ring markers with me. The solution? Dental Floss.
haha. I wouldn't recommend it. It's a terrible stitchmarker!! =D ... well, one of us had to try it right?
2:19 PM, May 05, 2007
It is cool to use Dental Floss as stitchmarker. For me, I use the sewing thread. It is a cheap and quick way to get it as I always lost the stitchmarkers.
7:06 AM, May 07, 2007
the socks look great - congrats - next phase socks on two circulars, no second sock syndrome- your secret pal
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