Knitty New Year's Resolutions

Everyone seems to be doing it, so here are my knitty new year's resolutions for 2007:

  • Learn to knit with dpn's
  • If making mittens or the like, always finish a PAIR (not just one)
  • Maximum of 3 WIP's only. This includes accessories and small items, not just sweaters etc.
  • "Almost done" projects that haven't been seamed and weaved do NOT equal done. They are still 1 WIP.

They don't *seem* so hard from the outset, but how come I can never stick to these? I hope you have some luck with your resolutions!



3:09 PM, January 06, 2007

I also two of resolutions same you. I always start a sock never finish, and always have too many projects one time. Good luck with your resolutions.