Rowan Studio

I've never heard of Rowan Studio before, but a quick browse on Amelia Raitte's website and the curiosity of a knit magazine fashioned on current trends just got the better of me.

So off I went to Rowan Yarns to have a squizz, and I am in LOVE...

Well actually, only two patterns I loved - but 2/6 is a prett-y good ratio! :D But I'm already behind in my knitting and my ability to catch up with what I want to knit and the latest "must knits" have been hampered by my work travel , work in general, and training for nepal.
*woe is me*



5:11 PM, February 18, 2007

Hi I just stumbled across your site whilst searching out other knitters who may have started or even better, completed Patti from Rowan Studio 1. I'm obsessed with it and just want to see how it turns out in real life. How's your Phildar swing going?


5:31 PM, February 18, 2007

Knitannie - Unfortunately Rowan Studio isn't readily available here in Australia :( so I will have to order it before I get started :))

My Phildar Swing is paused at the moment! heheh