Contrary to popular belief, there has actually been knitting going on! Unfortunately, it hasn't been successful knitting. I seem to have hit a bad patch where everything I knit either comes out wrong, looks awful, or doesn't fit. Because of that, I have restrained from sharing my disappointments with you all, but at the end of the day, my blog is supposed to be a journal of my knitting journey so here we go... (apologies for short details - trying to keep the post short, and am not entirely excited about any of these projects!! hehe)
FO 1: Bubble Scarf
Using some stashed unidentified yarn, and a website pattern (which I've forgotten since then), I decided to start a quick easy project for instant gratification and was pleased with the result.The scarf used up one skein of mystery yarn (approximately 350metres) and took just over a week worths of bit part knitting to complete. It was a very simple pattern that allowed for mindless knitting, but the end bubble scarf is quite cute.
FO 2 : Socks again
Another instant gratification knit, due to my lack of inspiration and knitting mojo. I used Silver's Sock Class once again but by now I had pretty much memorised it and so the project was pretty smooth sailing. The yarn is Moda Vera Socks yarn in a grey self-patterning style, which I picked up on sale at Spotlight for about $3.00. Surprisingly, the yarn is actually quite warm and soft but tended to pill when frogged.
FO 3: Lush and Lacy Cardigan
A very fun to knit pattern by Sweaterbabe,the pattern calls for a "lush and lacy" style yarn such as one with angora in it. Unfortunately, I didnt see any angora that I liked - there was only two choices at my LYS and both much too fluffy for my liking - so I decided to try plain Bendigo Rustic Wool in a beautiful red colour.
The knitting went off without a hitch, and I sewed it all up only to realise that the thing weighed an absolute tonne, and was by far more frumpy and granny like than cute and vintage. I'm now thinking of using the yarn for the Central Park Hoody, or I might just be lazy and keep the sweater to wear at home on the couch while knitting new projects...
KIP: Hexacomb Cardigan 2
So i restarted the Katie Himmelberg's Hexacomb Cardigan again in another yarn after the crunchy corn incident. And while the pattern was more successful this time round, it has ended up a tad too big for me. It's all loose just under my bust, and doesn't fit the upper part of me properly. See?
It's a cute cardigan, so I don't want to have to frog it and am thinking of taking a sewing machine to the sides or even hand sewing in some "darts" or seams to take it all in. Has anyone had any experience with this sort of post-knitting alteration and can give some tips??
And oh boy, am I not looking forward to weaving in the many ends.